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High-quality construction timber from Austria

The association MH®-MassivHolz Austria commits itself to a responsible and sustainable use of the high-quality and natural raw material wood.

The members of the quality-association MH®-MassivHolz Austria are small- and medium-sized saw milling enterprises , who fulfill the highest requirements of quality and reliability.

MH®-MassivHolz is a top-quality product for modern timber constructions.

Quality Management

All members have to adhere to quality management according to the quality guidelines for MH® products.  Therefore a high-quality solid structural timber without glue can be offered to architects, planners, carpenters and developers.
To ensure quality, production is constantly supervised by internal controls (quality manual, self-supervision). There are additional controls by independent institutions. This also applies to further quality requirements based on the agreements of MH® MassivHolz Austria.

DI Johannes Blinzer

Chairman of the tecnological Supervisory Committee of MH®-MassivHolz Austria, Holztechnikum Kuchl

Ferdinand Reisecker

President of MH MassivHolz Austria

Prof. Dr. Arno Frühwald

University Hamburg


MH MassivHolz Austria
Chairmen: Ing. Ferdinand Reisecker
Managing Director: DI (FH) Rainer Handl
ZVR Nr.: 250708825

Schwarzenbergplatz 4
1030 Wien

Phone:    +43 1 712 26 01 - 18
Fax:    +43 1 712 26 01 - 19


Bank Details

Ärzte- und Apothekerbank
Kontonummer: 1515630
BLZ: 18130
IBAN: AT311813000001515630